
Thursday, 28 November 2019

Comic strip

Friday 29th November 2019
Learn:We are learning to create a story using a comic strip.


Friday 29th November 2019

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Probability Term 4 2019

                      Thursday 28th November

     This term in maths we have been learning                           about probability.


Thursday, 21 November 2019

First week in the new school

Friday 22nd November 2019

In the first week in the new school,it was exciting because it as been one whole week learning in our new school.I had a great time learning and cooperating with people that I have not cooperated with before.I also enjoyed working in a large space,with two other class.


Thursday, 14 November 2019

New building || Reflection

Friday 15/11/19

What ?
What happened?
This morning we all gathered in room 1 because today was the day we were moving to the new school.After Mr Coakely spoke we walked to the new school.We first went to the new room 1 and 4 class room.When we left room 1 and 4 I was excited because I wanted to see the new curiosity learning space .When we got to the new classroom,it was not as big as I thought but it was still big.

So what ?
Why was it so important?
I was very excited to come to this new building but I was also sad because I didn't want to leave the old school because the old school was my first primary school.

Now what ?
What are the next steps of learning?
We are going to take care of this building and we are going to gain more. knowledge