
Thursday, 27 September 2018

Character descrpition.

Learning goal:I used my knowledge of describing characters.
Success Criteria:I can use this describing characters for my writing.
I did not draw my character because I was talking.

Independent spelling activities.

Learning goal:I used my knowledge of spelling and writing to 
help me.
Success criteria:I can use this for my writing and my spelling.

This is the independent spelling activity that I did not finish. 

60th Jubilee celebration.

We are learning TO USE OUR SENSES

to describe what

happened from our point of view

We are learning to use WOW!

words like adjectives and verbs

to add impact for our audience

(people who read our writing).


Draft three
I saw my group nervously getting dressed  for the cultural group performance.

I felt happy when we finished our culture group performance because I was
frightened of dancing in front of everyone.

I heard  magnificent singing from the cook island group and Maori group.

I wondered how other people felt as they were performing in front of everyone.

Hand writing practise.

Learning goal:I am learning to use my knowledge of hand writing to use in my everyday life,
Success criteria:I can use this for my writing.

Typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and
more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today I got 37 WPM,I got this score because I was
focused and I wanted to get a higher score.
Last week I got 36 WPM.

Prototec Timed

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Today I got 34/40.
 Last week I got 34/40. 
I need to work on my adding and subtracting to 1000.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Prototec sheet

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Today I got 40/40.
I got his score because I was concentrating and I was on task.

Times tables .me .uk

I am testing how quickly I can remember my times table.
I need to remember my times table because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Today I got 50/50
I got this score because I was focused.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Times table

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths
This is my times table I can use this for
my times tables .me .UK test on Thursday I forgot to do it on Wednesday.

Character description.

Learning goal:I am learning to use my knowledge of reading  to describe a character.
Success criteria:I can use this for describing characters.

      This is my character description of Emily from Amulet
     we are suppose to use the book we readied and describe the            character we choice.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Times table .me . uk

I am testing how quickly I can remember my times table

I need to remember my times table because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths

Today I got 100/100
I got his score because I was focused 
and I wanted to get full marks.

Typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today I got 32 WPM.
 Today I got 33 WPM.
I need to work on being more focused .

prototec timed

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Friday 21.9.18 Today I got 34/40.

I need to work on adding and subtracting to 1000.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Hand writing practice.

 Learning Goal: I am learning to use my writing skills to in prove my Writing

Success criteria:
I can use this in my writing. 

Typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday I got 32 WPM

Thursday I got 34 WPM I in proved
because I was focused.

Read theory QAR slides

Learning goal: I am learning to use my knowledge of reading to try get the answer.
Success criteria:I can use this in my reading.

silent reading word types.

Learning goal:I am learning to use my knowledge of nous,adjectives,verbs and adverbs.
Success criteria:I can use this n my writing.I did not finish it because I was not focused.

My typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more

This will help me finish my work faster.

Monday I got 27 WPM.

Thursday I got 30 WPM i in proved because I was focused.

I need to work on typing faster.

Spelling word types.

Learning goal:I am practising my spelling words to help me.
Success criteria:This will help me with my writing.  This is my spelling word types activity we had to do words 31-40. 

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

times table test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my times table.

I need to remember my times table
because they are the knowledge I need
to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Today I got 49/50 be caused I was rushing.

times table slides

I am testing how quickly I can remember my times table.
I need to remember my times table because they are the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths problems.

Typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today I got 36 WPM I got this score because I was focused.
On Monday I got 35 WPM because I was concentrating
on my typing.

Prototec timed sheet

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths
Friday Today I got 56/60 I need to work on my adding
and subtracting to 100.
On Monday I got 56/60 I need to work on my adding and subtracting to 100.

Thursday, 6 September 2018


I am testing how quickly I can remember my Times table.
I need to remember my times table because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths

6.9.18 Today I
got 49/50 I forgot
to press a button.

Typing speed test.

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more
This will help me finish my work faster.

6.9.18 Today I got 35 WPM.
I got these score because I was focus and practised
at home.

On Monday I got 32 WPM

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Apostles creed

This is the pray about apostles creed I think it means
Jesus's story about him sacrificing his life.

Prototec basic facts

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.
I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths

17.8.18 I got
59/60 because
I didn't check over my

Times table practise.

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Times table.
I need to remember my Times table because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths

Thursday 16.8.18
I got 40/40 because
I was practising at